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Subject: Pure Hearts
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endtimes 15.03.08 - 05:43pm
In the Beautitudes, Jesus says that God blesses those with pure hearts, for they will see God. (Matthew 5:8)
God sent Jesus to the world to cleanse us from all sin and He has placed His Holy Spirit within us. This is a gift not by works but by grace. It is not earned, it is a free gift.
We receive a clean heart because of His blood that cleanses us from all sin. *

endtimes 15.03.08 - 05:55pm
But our hearts can be deceitful, even to ourselves. As we grow in our intimacy with the Lord we need to ask Him to show us the areas in our hearts that are impure, divided, idolatrous etc. To be purified in our hearts is a process, and we need the Lord to reveal where we havent forgiven another, resentment, bitterness, anger, rebellion, etc and ask Him as He reveals it to us to lift it up and remove those things.
This results in our becoming more tender toward others and toward Him. *

endtimes 15.03.08 - 06:20pm
In His presence we can be free to expose ourselves and deal with issues of the heart weather it be pride,self-righteousness etc. When we ask the Father to reveal these areas, He lovingly brings cir tances into our lives to expose the hardened places of our hearts. *

endtimes 15.03.08 - 06:28pm
The more we allow Him into our hearts, sharing our most secret thoughts in the true essence of intimacy, the more we see God. He is the One we go to. He shares our joys and our sorrows, and we can confess our sins to Him, receiving forgiveness and healing without condemnation. *

endtimes 15.03.08 - 06:38pm
Unless we see sin as God sees it and realize that it is a roadblock in our relationship with Him, we end up as hearers of the Word, but not doers. God has secrets and special things in His heart to share with each of us; but if we are to receive them, we must draw nearer to Him. The intimacy and love you receive will enable you to have a tender heart. he will then also trust His secrets to you, revealing His heart. Intimacy results in true worship and praise, bringing glory to Him. *

blade505 22.03.08 - 01:01pm
And to bring glory to God was why God created man. Even when man failed in the garden of eden and became pro ne to sin God did not give up on that purpose. He send His wonderfull son as a redeemer and ransom. He once again made a Godly life possible to fulfill that purpose and to reverse the effects of the fall of man. *

blade505 22.03.08 - 01:05pm
But for man to bring glory to God he must do Gods will. And to do Gods will man must submit His own will. Just as Jesus submitted His will to His father on the cross. Thiat is the hardest part. Only possible through the Holy Spirit. After salvation comes the surrendered life, the life given to your father, the life that pleases Him and glorifies Him. *

blade505 22.03.08 - 02:56pm
The one that has truely been with the Lord and surrendered says : Not what I want, but what my father want, that I will to do. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. Then do I truely follow Christ, and am I a true disciple who gets transformed to the image of the Son of God. To be like Him. When my life, my possesions, my will and my time belongs to God. A life completely dependant on the Holy Spirit. *

seastarr 22.03.08 - 08:40pm
God calls each christian according to His Plan. 1 Cor 7:17-23 tells us about this. As the Lord has called each one, so let him walk. Then God goes on to say in v23 You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men. My understanding is my relationship with God is a very personal walk. God shows me thru the Holy Spirit what He is calling me to do. Sister I agree that God shows areas in our life that need change. He also brings that change into effect through the Holy Spirit. *

rodney5 26.06.08 - 08:59pm
If we examine our lifesyle GOD will show us where we need to repent. *

rodney5 27.06.08 - 06:54am
ENDTIMES i love this topic of yours. PURE HEARTS. The two words is a teaching on its own. THE same as the word RIGHTEOUSNESS is also a teaching on its own. A pure heart= righteouness = living the word of GOD *

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