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Subject: *~*FORGIVENESS*~*
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endtimes 11.02.08 - 07:32am
V6YMKSA94a4oVRbtV5Tv.jpg Jesus taught us to pray the OUR FATHER (Matt. 6:9-13).
In this prayer we passionately request, FORGIVE US OUR SINS, JUST AS WE HAVE FORGIVEN THOSE who sinned against us.

The question is: Do we forgive? Have we forgiven?

Many say, I will forgive but not forget, and others say they cant and will not forgive. Yet, God's capacity is literally so deep that when He forgives our wickedness, it is removed from us and cast into the sea of forgetfullness - to be remembered no more. (Jer.31:34).
Then we say, But we're not God!. Still, Paul reminds us in Colossians 2:9 that when we are in Christ, the fullness of God lives in our human bodies and in light hereof, we need to realize that we indeed have the capacity to forgive. Why then, do we willfully cling to the wrong that has been committed against us - through unforgiveness? *

endtimes 11.02.08 - 07:43am

The fact is that sin causes hurt. When people knowingly or unknowingly allow Satan to use them instrumentally against you, you're left with a bleeding or festering wound in your soul, crying for healing through vengeance.

It is a cry for rightful punishment - seeing the execution of punishment as the only ointment able to heal your wound.
You might even be the perpetrator, eaten up by guilt or even suppressing it, rejecting yourself and unable to love or forgive yourself.

But God provided another way in His infinate wisdom and loving-kindness towards us. He gave His Son to bear this punishment on the cross and by His wounds, we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5) *

endtimes 11.02.08 - 07:58am
The Amplified Bible says in Isaiah 53:11 that He bore the guilt with the consequences.
That makes Him our Saviour in restoration also. Isaiah 61:7 promises that we shall rejoice and possess double what we had forfeited.

It might not happen in the way our human minds imagine it, for His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. So have faith and allow yourself to be filled with this confident expectation of salvation in the midst of your painful situation.

Paul says in Romans 5:5 that this expectation will not disappoint you. Let this bring joy into your heart and with that, the wilful decision to forgive.

Open communication, if possible, could only facilitate forgiveness, but also eliminate misunderstanding and unnecessary offense.
In open communication it is imperative for all parties involved, to listen patiently with understanding hearts and a willingness to put themselves in the other person's shoes.
Those involved in the dispute, should have the freedom to voice their perception of the truth, even if it may be distorted. *

endtimes 11.02.08 - 08:09am
James 5:16 advises, Confess your sins to each other, and pray for each other so that you may be healed.

Zechariah 8:16 confirms, this is what you must do: Tell the truth to each other. Render verdicts in your courts that are JUST and LEAD TO PEACE.

These COURTS also point to our hearts, homes or even workplaces.

True resolve can only come through applying His truth in the matter - and that should settle it. It should be seen that The KING has spoken! *

endtimes 11.02.08 - 08:18am
It is always easier to forgive our wrongdoers upon seeing and hearing their genuine, heartfelt remorse. What gets to us, is when there is no i'm sorry coming our way.

Yet, Paul admonishes us in Eph. 4:31-32, Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behaviour. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. *

endtimes 11.02.08 - 08:29am

Lets see what awaits us at the opposite side of unforgiveness.
In Matthew 18:21-35, Jesus tells the parable of the unforgiving servant. In this parable we meet up with the servant who ownd the king 10 000 talents and couldn't pay the debt. He begged the king for patience, whereupon the king, filled with pity, forgave his debt and released him.

After this servant had left the king, he grabbed a fellow servant by the throat and demanded instant payment of 100 denari that this fellow servant owed him.
This fellow servant pleaded for mercy, but his creditor wouldn't wait and had him arrested and jailed until the debt could be paid in full.
Upon hearing this, the king angrily turned the merciless servant over to the torturers until he had paid his debt in full. *

endtimes 11.02.08 - 02:00pm
Likewise is the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus warned, If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if YOU REFUSE TO FORGIVE OTHERS, your Father will not forgive your sins. (Matt. 6:14-15).

The King, our Lord, then hands you over to the tormentors(spirits of wickedness), in this life and the next.
Torment and the abscence of peace will take its toll on our bodies, minds and emotions in the case of unforgiveness.

Can anyone of us really afford the price to pay for unforgiveness? Christ our eternal King in His mercy has paid our debts with His own blood! Yet we are merciless and demand vengeance and pay for others who owe us an apology?

endtimes 11.02.08 - 03:55pm
Dr David Yonggi Cho once ministered to a man on the verge of committing murder and then suicide. As technician an bulldozer driver, this man worked away from home, risking his life in order to make more money, which he sent home to his wife.

Upon his return he discovered that his wife had left him for a young man, with all of his savings!
In less than a week he became so consumed with hatred that he began to vomit blood. Tuberculosis was rapidly eating him away. Dr Cho counselled the man and persuaded him through the teaching of the Word not to follow through with these plans and end up in hell.

He guided him in prayer of forgiveness and blessing towards his wife. Although it was difficult, the man started blessing her through grinding teeth.
As he kept on blessing her, the power of God began flowing through him and showed in his face. He was completely healed from tuberculosis in less than a month! *

rider13 11.02.08 - 08:29pm
We can stop forgiving others ONLY when Christ stops forgiving us! And that my friend isnt going to happen! *

endtimes 12.02.08 - 04:15pm
Without forgiveness there can be no healing. In the long run, an unforgiving heart can become hardened and full of hatred and murderous intent.

1 JOHN 3:15

Anyone who hates another christian is really a murderer at heart. And you know that murderers don't have eternal life within them.


To forgive is to acquit all people who sinned against you from their guilt and the deep-rooted feeling that they owe you. The fact of the matter is that your offenders will never be able to undo the wrong.

Even in attempting this, they will become enslaved to every wimp or wish you may have - in a delusion that these efforts will bring forth the desired forgiveness and reconciliation. No, these offenses can only be forgiven. As the parable explained, they cannot be repaid.


...lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled.. *

endtimes 13.02.08 - 06:23am

Aknowlegdging that our faith is like a grain that ripens, our ability to forgive and to forget will also mature as we strain ourselves to follow His example, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

A good starting point might be to forgive with the resolution to refuse to rip up old sores. Ask the Lord not only to cleanse your heart from ill feelings, but also to bind up your wounds. You will find that this healing process takes the sting out of the memory! *

endtimes 13.02.08 - 06:35am
Follow Jesus' demonstration of grace on the cross and let go of your desire to repay your offenders with some or other form of punishment. He prayed: FATHER, FORGIVE THEM, FOR THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. (Luke 23:34)

It is safe to assume that your offenders might also be deceived by the devil and therefore not fully aware of the destructive consequences of their words or deeds.

In Matthew 5:44 Jesus commands us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. You have been called to pray for their welfare, happiness and protection - truly pitying and loving them.
Do not repay evil with evil, or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. (1Pet. 3:9). *

endtimes 13.02.08 - 06:46am
Go with boldness to His throne of grace and as you pray, the Holy Spirit will work forgiveness in your heart. This will enable you to resolve matters in the appropriate time with self-control and a gentle spirit.

Demeter's true story is a powerful example of extreme forgiveness and the fruit of such prayer. Demeter suffered for many years as a Christian in Communist prisons.
A certain prison warden amused himself by beating on Demeter's spine with a hammer, which permanently paralyzed him.
Twenty years after his release from prison, he heard a knock at the front door of his home. He was shocked to see the same prison warden standing before him. Upon hearing the warden's apology, Demeter replied softly, For twenty years i have prayed for you daily. I have waited for you. Twenty years ago, i forgave you already. *

endtimes 13.02.08 - 06:53am
Forgiveness is letting go of the past in order to move forward into a hopeful future. Trust has to do with future behavior and must be rebuilt and proved over time..

Forgiveness is a path of seeking and advancing harmony and unity among individuals, families and even nations. Will you follow this path?

From the magazine MY WORLD, written by Liezl du preez. *

jidat 12.03.08 - 12:19am
Wow sis, hard 2 describe! Easy english plz.. Ha..ha..?!@* *

blade505 22.03.08 - 01:15pm
Endtimes I have just a few things to say about forgiveness to add that I think will make it easy to forgive for those who struggle to forgive. This is taken from my own life and what God taught me. So Im not challenging changing your posts but just clarifying some things OK. *

blade505 22.03.08 - 01:20pm
Here I go, Firstly I cannot recall that God in the bible requires us to forgive AND forget. God says forgive every time that forgiveness is required. Only God can forget with the forgiveness. He remembers our sins no more. So what then is the true essence of forgiving someone? We must forgive as God forgave us. Our sisnd DID hurt God. It did cause Him to wrath, pain and hurt. Yet when we asked Him to forgive our sins He removed the CONSEQUENCES of our sins. With no conditions attatched. *

blade505 22.03.08 - 01:24pm
So when someone hurt you, made you angry or wronged you, you forgive them the moment you say that you want no consequences to them for what they did to you. You do not wish them to suffer any consequences, That is how God forgives us. That person does not even have to know. Yes it may still hurt, you may still be angry, you are human. But when you forgive someone the Godly way you say, LORD, Let this wrong not be counted against them, remove their guilt for what they did to me. *

blade505 22.03.08 - 01:27pm
Last point, to forgive someone does not mean that the relationship HAVE to continue. It would be foolish for a woman to go back to a man who beats her every day even after she had forgiven him. Let us forgive the godly way even when it hurts. Let us not seek vengeance when we where wronged, just like Jesus on the cross. *

seastarr 22.03.08 - 10:57pm
Amen Brother ! Forgiving does not mean u have have a relationship with the person that wronged you. You forgive in your heart. Turn it over to God and pray for God to Bless them. You will also be Blessed. *

endtimes 23.03.08 - 06:28am
yes, i do agree with you blade and sis seastarr. Forgiving does not mean continuing a relationship. The best way to test your own heart to see if u truly have forgiven a person, is when you think of the person without having ill feelings towards the person, not hoping the bad things in life happening to them, but thinking about them with love, hoping that the blessings you pray over them will manifest and overtake them. *

mjkboyus 4.04.08 - 01:24am
Amen to everything! Thanks for posting this. It was a blessing! :) *

mrsms 4.04.08 - 01:36pm
luvmsg.GIF *

jidat 5.04.08 - 12:40am
Blessing v curse, if u hate ppl u gave the ppl curse, spel on thy lif. Blessin mean God take over n good doin. Curse heared by demons, like spel u did! Askn Father 2 forgiv n breakin the spel on thm or even 2 urself.. *

marfill 22.04.08 - 01:25pm
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do...Luke 23:34.... When youve been hurt or offended, sometimes its tempting to hold on to unforgiveness. But we have to remember, when people wrong us, our battle is not against flesh and blood. In other words, that person who hurt you is not the real enemy. The Bible says that your adversary is the devil, and he knows that if you dont forgive, then your prayers wont be effective. Unforgiveness puts up a barrier in your life to the power of God. In fact, if we dont forgive others, we cant be forgiven by God. But when you choose forgiveness, you open the door for Gods healing power to flow through your life. Disarm the enemy in your life by choosing forgiveness. Bless those who curse you and pray for those who wrong you. Look at what Jesus did when He was betrayed, beaten, mocked, and disrespected, He chose forgiveness. As you follow His example, you will open the door for God to move in your life, and youll live in victory in ur journey with CHRIST....... pray.GIF Heavenly Father, thank You for forgiving us and giving us new life,as we choose to extend the gift of forgiveness to others,and bless those who have wronged us and ask You to heal every broken place in our lives,Thank U Lord for Ur bountiful mercy and grace,all these we pray,in Jesus name,Amen!

gbopp 22.06.08 - 04:45am
''And when ye stand praying, forgive; if ye have ought against any; that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. 25.But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your your trespasses.'' *

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